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  2. Account Changes

User Permissions Have Changed in the New PublisherPro

To make it easier to manage users in your account, we've updated the way user permissions work. When you try the new PublisherPro platform, all non-owner users will default to the Contributor role, and this article explains how to change their permission levels.


Note: Changes made to user permissions in the new PublisherPro platform will not affect user permissions in the original platform, and vice versa.


In the original platform, user management was tediously handled on a domain by domain and page by page basis. To simplify the process, you now have 3 user roles with standardized access to the selected traffic sources: Admin, Manager, and Contributor.

  • Admins have access to all pages and functionality.
  • Managers have access to most pages and functions, but cannot access banking information and cannot add users or traffic sources.
  • Contributors can apply to programs and get links, but they cannot access banking information, add users or traffic sources, access reports, or see balances.

When you first switch over to the new PublisherPro platform, all non-owner users will be set to the role of Contributor. Here's how to change their permission levels.

Update Permissions For An Existing User

1. Go to the User Management page.

2. Locate the user you want to edit, and click the Edit link.

3. In the User Permission Level section, select the desired permission level.

4. In the Traffic Source Access section, click the toggle to give the user access to all current and future traffic sources - or select specific traffic sources they can access.

5. Click the Save Changes button.

Success! You now know how to update user permissions.


If you have any questions after following the steps above, please email our team at support@flexoffers.com. Thank you for your interest in the new PublisherPro!